This is a step by step guide to setting up a Chaos Deathmatch server.1) Setting
up a Quake2 server.
You can find basic information on how to set up a generic Quake2 server here:
You'd better read this FAQ before you send questions to other server admins or to us :-).
2) Downloading the Chaos Deathmatch server files.
Everything you need to set up a Chaos Deathmatch server is included in the standard
client package which can be downloaded from our website: . You do
NOT need any special server packs.
3) Chaos Deathmatch installation
Simply follow the steps described in the Chaos Deathmatch client installation guide to
install Chaos Deathmatch!
4) Starting a Chaos Deathmatch server.
We really recommend that you start your server as a dedicated server if you want to
host internet games.
Use "quake2.exe +set deathmatch 1 +set dedicated 1 +set
hostname "My Chaos Deathmatch Server" +set game chaos +set maxclients 12 +set
public 1 +set timelimit 20 +set fraglimit 40 +setmaster"
to start a simple server.
You can now start a game by loading a map, i.e. "map
If you want to run a Chaos Deathmatch CTF server, simply add "+set ctf 1" to your command line.
5) Setting up map rotation.
Start a game, load a map and type "sv ml
<maplist_file>" in the console. <maplist_file> stands for one of
the .txt files in the subdir "maplists" in your Chaos Deathmatch directory. Just
type "sv ml q2dm" for example to load the maplist
q2dm.txt in the maplists directory. The map rotation is NOT active, yet. To start the
rotation type "sv ml <x>" where <x>
equals "1" (sequential map rotation), "2" (random rotation) or
"0" (map rotation off). Feel free to write your own map lists but be sure to use
this format: <mapname>-<ctf><lightsoff>. chaosdm1-01
for example stands for map chaosdm1, ctf off, lightsoff.
6) The Chaos Deathmatch config file
You can find it in the root of the CHAOS directory, named "SETTINGS.CFG".
This file only works if you have the line "exec settings.cfg" in the
autoexec.cfg of the Chaos directory!
ATTENTION!!: The whole Chaos-configuration now works with console
commands! So you don't have to quit Quake2 anymore to ban a certain item or to set a
new startup weapon! Just type the command you have seen in the 'settings.cfg' directly
into the console (e.g. "set lightsoff 1") and restart the level! That's all! :)
- all bindings of the Chaos weapons and items...can be changed, i.e. if you want to place
your favorite feature on a different key!
- weapon and item banning/startup weapons and items: great for constructing your own game
(e.g. I want only explosive weapons but everyone should have the rocket launcher
right from the start! No problem!) More info about this directly in the
"settings.cfg" file! Just open it with any editor. But PLEASE make a backup copy
of the original before you start to mix it up!!! :)
- the Chaos Deathmatch Server Settings
"set poisontime X" and "set blindtime X": Because of the many
requests, we offer here an option to alter the duration of the poisoning/blinding effect
of the poison/flash grenades....the number describes the time of duration in seconds!
"set lasertime X" (default 100): The duration of the lasermines, in seconds.
"set proxytime X" (default 60): The time till the nasty Proxymines
self-destruct, in seconds
"set defence_turret_ammo X" (default 1000) The ammo of the's that much because it's using Chaingun ammo and I'm sure you know
how fast this is normally eaten up! :)
"set rocket_turret_ammo X" (default 120) The amount of rockets the
AutoRocketTurret has on startup.
"set dynamic_node_table_generation X" (default O) To switch the dynamic node
table generation on or off! Switch it off for internet servers!
"set start_invulnerable_time X" (default 3) The time in seconds you are
invulnerable after re-spawning! (This only works after you get killed, not after using a
normal teleporter!) I think by adding this nice feature we can say completely
"Bye-bye" to all those nice guys who had nothing to do but place lasers over
every spawn point! :) Try to get some normal and fair kills!
"set lightsoff X": This simple line of letters provides a full new type of quake
gaming! Just imagine if you were to blast out the fuses in the whole level, leaving only
the slight glow of the items, water, lava and sunsets. Welcome to your 'darkest'
nightmare. In this playing mode, hearing is essential and making noise is deadly! Your
only friend will be your flashlight ("f" to toggle), but beware! Friends can
also become traitors. So use it wisely, or your light cone might reveal your position.
The settings are:
0 for normal light mode
1 for more dawn-like light conditions
2 for complete darkness
One more thing: the tech powerups!
This feature can currently only be banned by using the DM-flags. If you want to
know more about this, then take a look at the "CHAOSCTF.txt" that can also be
in the Chaos directory! Look for a string named "DF_CTF_NO_TECH"